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hard to write

May 16, 2009

It’s hard to keep an active blog when

1) I can’t write about my job

2) If I can’t write about my job then I can’t write about my current melancholy

3) Nor can I write about another long-running job distraction

4) I don’t want to ruminate on the guilt I feel for working re: 3-year-old

5) I don’t want to kvetch about money

6) I can’t tell you who I’d like to be hit by a bus

7) And I’m often so bloody tired from my job that I just want to sleep

8) Also, I hate my camera and want a fancy one but can’t afford it so I rarely take any pictures


I do actually like working. That’s something.

I have a brand-spanking-new diploma that tells me I’m a Master of Education.


My not-quite-seven-year-old asked me the other night if he was becoming kind of like a teenager. He’s feeling the joy of having neighborhood friends to hang out with and the freedom I’m trying to give him, but I now see that boundaries must be set.

He’s also in the middle of the second Harry Potter novel, which tickles me greatly.

The three year old is really adept at being really, really three. It will get easier, but – oh my. He’s also very upset at his brother’s independence and neighborhood friends.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. May 16, 2009 7:33 pm

    My three year old is easy breezy compared to my six year old…which says a lot considering that my three year old is oh so very three. :-/ Three, at least, I understand. Six is turning out to be baffling enough that I have no hope of making it through the teenage years. 🙂

    It’s a shame you can’t post more…

  2. May 18, 2009 8:31 am

    I can feel for you on so many different levels, especially on not being able to talk about the things going on in my life. That is why I needed to stop blogging, because there wasn’t anything I could just write in a public forum without putting my job in jeopardy or hurting people I cared about. Unfortunately that means that this network of support that we have built over the years doesn’t quite work any more and I feel so much sadness over that. In fact, I’m thinking about writing again although haven’t put much thought into how exactly I’m going to do that. I hope that you can find your balance soon and when you do I’m always here for you 🙂

    And congratulations on your new degree. I know how hard you worked for that! (((hugs)))

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